Give Online
For quick giving, enter the amount in the box below and click "Go".
For more detailed options, click on "View Donor Portal" below.
We'd love for you to join us in our mission of reaching lives for Christ. Your generosity enables us to help more people experience the life change that accompanies knowing Him. We appreciate your financial contribution and we hope that the simplicity and convenience of being able to do so online is helpful to you.
You may authorize your bank to allow us to deduct a specified amount from your account without having to write a check. You may also use your debit or credit cards, just like you pay bills or make purchases online. It's secure and confidential! If you'd like to track your online giving and setup recurring donations, click the "View Donor Portal" link in the box below. Your donations are tax-deductible, and you will receive a Donor Tax Statement in January of the year following your gift(s).
There are several ways to donate to Bright Hope:
- We offer safe and secure online giving via debit/credit card or e-check (simply enter your checking routing number and account number):
Use the box at the top of this page to give online. - We receive an offering at our Sunday Worship Service at 10:45 AM.
- You can also mail your donation to:
Bright Hope Community Church
4101 Highland Ave
Butler, PA 16001
Thank you for your support to Bright Hope Community Church.