About Us
Our Story
Bright Hope was founded in 2001 in Butler, PA. Even though there are many churches around, there are still many who have not been reached with the good news of Jesus Christ. We believe God has uniquely equipped us to minister to people, to spread the Gospel, and to faithfully teach and practice the Bible. The desire of Bright Hope is to be a community where Christ is honored, His Word is exalted, people are cared for - spiritually, physically, and emotionally - and our members and attenders develop a deep and lasting passion for Him.
We are a community called together by God. We live common lives - but attempt to live lives that are distinctly Christian. Too often, our society encourages us to develop character and strength on our own. We believe that God’s plan is to develop one’s character in the context of family and community relationships, and He uses the local church to carry out this plan. Being like Christ should be the goal of every believer, and we at Bright Hope would like to assist you in, first of all, knowing Jesus, and second, in becoming a passionate follower of Him.
As a community, our goal is to be interdependent upon one another’s giftedness and abilities as we worship, pray, teach, learn, share in each other’s joys and sorrows, and grow together. The unity of our community gives further credibility to the message of Christ and provides power to our mission to spread Christ’s love.
We believe that God has placed us in the very center of His plan - in a unique and critical time and place - in order to bring light and hope to the community of Meridian and beyond by loving God and loving people. We look forward to meeting you and walking through life with you!