Pastoral Staff

Chris McGrady
Wife: Justi
Children: Gavin, Mia, Josi
Education: Grove City College: B.S. Mathematics/Secondary Education; Currently pursuing Seminary Masters at Luther Rice University
Life Verse: “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20
PERSONAL MISSION STATEMENT: To lead others into a thriving relationship with Jesus Christ as I teach and demonstrate His grace and truth; to live all life for His glory and His joy.
Fun Facts
Favorite Vacation Spot: Topsail Island, NC; Disney World; Cape Cod
Favorite movie: It’s a Wonderful Life; Lord of the Rings trilogy
Favorite books (besides the Bible): Rest and War (Ben Stuart); Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table (Louie Giglio)
Favorite bible translation for personal study: CSB
Favorite preachers: Chuck Swindoll, Louie Giglio, C.H. Spurgeon
Favorite food: Wings and Thanksgiving dinner
Current/past jobs: Physics/Math/Chemistry Teacher - Freeport Senior High School: 1995 to present; Boys Soccer Coach: 1995 - 2009
Hobbies: music, sports, landscaping
Cats or dogs: Dogs! No question.
PC or Mac: all things Apple